Friday, March 26, 2010


Well, I did manage to get a little writing done today. 1300 words. Not solid gold for me, but a whole lot better than ZERO! Here's hoping for a better writing day tomorrow. I'd like to finish the first section of Book Two this weekend, if I can, and I need to make some serious progress to get there.

For now, though, it's my friend's birthday, and I've got to get ready to go celebrate. With nachos. Mmm. Nachos.


  1. 1300 words isn't too shabby! I aim low- 500 a day, but that's respectable for me. Having a three-year-old and being a full time teacher puts a damper on my writing. But I crank it up come summer!

  2. Yeah, teacher + mom makes 500 very respectable indeed!

  3. I'm w/ Mrs. T -- 500 is a good day for me (and I don't even have the wonder of kiddom to slow me down :)

  4. I am happyt you managed to write that much.
